Thursday, March 3, 2011

herbal remidies from the fridge

Herbal Remedies from Your Crisper Drawer

By Lee Dobbins

Many people think that making herbal remedies involve mixing up

concoctions of hard-to-find sticks, twigs and leaves but the truth is

that there are many herbal remedies that can be made from fruits and

vegetables that are commonly found right in your grocery store.

Here are some herbal remedies that you can make from things you

probably have right in your own crisper drawer.


The next time you have acid indigestion, don't reach for the Tum's

reach for cabbage instead. simply mix a pound of cabbage with a big

carrot and grind it in a blender along with a tablespoon of sugar. You

will need a high powered blender to turn this into a shake. Drink this

half hour before your meals and it is said to be believed gastric acid



The next time you slice it into a yummy avocado, don't throw away that

seed! The seed can be used for a temporary filling for cavities when

you can't get to the dentist right away. Simply slice off a piece of

the seed and plug the hole. You should replace the filling twice a day

and see your dentist as soon as possible.


If you have a sore throat, chewing on a small piece of ginger can act

as a soothing lozenge. Ginger has other great healing properties as

well so you can only benefit from using this when you have a cold.


Guava can be used to treat many ailments. Chopping up the leaves and

boiling them in two glasses of water for 15 minutes to make a tea that

can help alleviate diarrhea. Crushing the leaves can help alleviate

nausea and fainting spells - simply crush up the leaves and inhale the

aroma. If you have a sunburn or prickly heat rash boil some guava

leaves in 2 gallons of water, let it cool and apply to the affected



Not only Is a good spaghetti sauce, but oregano can also make a good

cough suppressant. Boil one cop a fresh oregano leaves in two glasses

of water to make a tea. Adults should drink a half a cup of tea three

times a day but when the children to a teaspoon.


Papaya is very high in fiber and therefore can help alleviate

constipation. It is also a natural exfoliant that can help treat acne

and keep your skin looking great. To use topically, mash up papaya and

mix it in a three to one ratio with lemon juice. Slathered on your

face and the mask. Leave on for half hour and ransom for water. You

can also add a little to this mixture if you want to use it as a



Got intestinal parasites? Pineapple is known to get rid of pinworms

quite effectively. Eat two to three slices with every meal for a week

and you're intestinal parasites should be gone.


Radish is great for treating athletes foot. You'll need to mash it up

and somehow extract the juice then apply that to the affected area

twice a day.

Eggplant Leaves

An eggplant leaf tea can help relieve symptoms of gingivitis. Boil

three egg plant leaves with two glasses of water and use as a


Eggplant leaves can help soothe gingivitis. Simply boil 3 chopped

eggplant leaves in 2 glasses of water for 10 minutes and use the

concoction as a mouthwash as needed.

Having a lot of fruits and vegetables in your refrigerator is a good

idea to stay healthy, not only by eating them to ingest the

antioxidants, minerals and vitamins but also to have them around to

make healthy herbal remedies.

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